
Dispatches – # 6 – Wednesday Morning in the Carry Universe

Bees working together in a hive

Written by Nathan Prince

Friday afternoon in the universe, in all directions in & out you got your men women dogs children horses pones tics ports parts pans pool palls pails parturiences and petty Thieveries that turn into heavenly…

Old Angel Midnight, Jack Kerouac.

I imagine he was thinking of everything that was going on around him while he was writing, literally, everything that was happening at that precise moment. And here at Carry Transit, it’s no different. Everything is happening at once.

Kerou-Facts and a Video Representation

  • Jack Kerouac was born March 12, 1922.  This past Monday would have been his 90th Birthday.
  • His first name is Jean-Louis.
  • He received athletic scholarships for his abilities as Running Back from Notre Dame, Boston College, and Columbia (the latter of which he accepted).
  • He wrote the final draft of On the Road in 20 days.

Nate’s Take On Chicago Ops

Across town we got Mike, the yardmaster at our 103rd Street rail site, transloading trucks from railcars. Down the street in Argo at another Carry rail site, Gerardo, a driver, is loading flour for a Chicagoland bakery. Here in Bridgeview, Scott, our onsite loader and whiz with railcars, is loading another type of flour for bakeries in Michigan and Indiana. Later, he’ll load liquid, a different process altogether, for any number of customers we serve nationwide. In the tankwash, trailers are being pulled in and out dutifully by Sammy to be cleaned, dried and inspected. Behind me, Dennis and Lucky are working on trailers and tractors. Drivers are pulling in and out of the yard, picking up and dropping off trailers. Some scale in and out as they pass. Next to me, Naomi is typing away at the speed of light, working on something important no doubt. Nancy is busy answering the phone and making jokes in between.


To Bee, or Not to Bee

The healthy buzz of productivity fills the air. Like bees circling the hive, everyone has a purpose and a function. And for a moment everything is picturesque. It’s a great thing to witness and be a part of.

Thumbnail and image courtesy of Flickr – blumenbiene
Source of information contained in Kerou-Facts: Wikipedia
Video created by Sean McClintock


One thought on “Dispatches – # 6 – Wednesday Morning in the Carry Universe

  1. They danced down the streets like dingledodies, and I shambled after as I’ve been doing all my life after people who interest me, because the only people for me are the mad ones, the ones who are mad to live, mad to talk, mad to be saved, desirous of everything at the same time, the ones that never yawn or say a commonplace thing, but burn, burn, burn…”
    – Jack Kerouac, On the Road, Part 1, Ch. 1

    Adventure is not for everyone……..

    Posted by Speed | March 19, 2012, 6:21 pm